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Private Tuition  |  What We Teach  |  What To Expect  

What to expect at MathsGeeks USA for tuition and courses

What to expect

When you leave us a message, we will call you back (or email if you prefer). We will then have a quick chat about your needs, which University, the application process and then, if appropriate, arrange a 30 mins Skype meeting. The 30 mins Skype meeting is a chance to establish you or your child's needs, learning style, and your tutoring requirements. It also gives you a chance to decide between one-to-one tuition or our intensive courses.


If you decide that one-to-one tuition is the right path for you then we arrange 1hr's FREE tuition with your tutor.

If you then decide to go ahead, we will ask you to confirm our terms and conditions and we will invoice you for the first 4 lessons (after this we will bill every month in arrears).

On receipt of payment of this invoice (we can receive payment by phone by debit or credit card, by internet transfer or by cheque) we will send you the appropriate course material.

We will then send you or your child a short test for completion so we can identify areas for improvement. We will then start lessons at the agreed time.

During your tuition we provide short progress reports at the end of every month but you can also contact us any time if you require feedback or further support.


If, instead, you would like to attend one of our courses then we will take payment when you are ready to commit and we will send you a diagnostic test and keep in contact with you up until the course. After the course we will provide personal feedback and send you away with our two week exam plan.

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